Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Newest addition

Nathan and I don't have children - we have plants.

So far we have three boys: Mortimer (Nathan's fuzzy cactus and tiny aloe plant with lots of leaves), Reginald (a medicinal Aloe I got a few months ago) and Winthorp (an aloe plant Bre gifted to me and I adopted on the spot at my bridal shower). There was just one thing missing: a girly plant.

So...I present to you, Abigail!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Married Life

So far, so good.

And by good I mean okay but could be better because I barely see him.

We're both busy, but at separate times, which is kind of lousy :(

On the plus side, the reception is coming up in a couple weeks and we'll get to see some familiar faces :)

Also, the day before the reception Nathan and I are goin to a mutual friend's wedding where (and I've been told by the bride-to-be herself) Corban is going to be dressed in drag...as a bride's maid. I might have to buy extra batteries for my camera.